

United States Patent and Trademark Office

Portal for Unregistered Electronic Filer

Portal for Unregistered Electronic Filer

This is the portal to file your application and filing papers as an unregistered filer.

United States Patent and Trademark Office

Information about EFS-WEB

Information about EFS-WEB

This a page at the Patent Office that provides information about electronic filing.

United States Patent and Trademark Office

United States Patent and Trademark Office

United States Patent and Trademark Office

This link takes you to the home page of the United States Patent and Trademark Office, where you may access a great deal of information about patents and trademarks

United States Patent and Trademark Office

Public Access to Patent Records and Data

Public Access to Patent Records and Data

This link takes you to the USPTO database, and allows you to access and download file histories for pending applications and issued patents.

United States Patent and Trademark Office

Registered Practitioners

Registered Practitioners

This link takes you to a page enabling you to check the registration status with the USPTO of any person claiming to be a patent expert.

United States Patent and Trademark Office

Practice Sandbox for electronic filing

Practice Sandbox for electronic filing

This is a practice portal at the USPTO where you can look at the various pages and practice filing without anything being recorded.

United States Patent and Trademark Office

Issued US Patent Search

Issued US Patent Search

This link takes you to a page enabling searches of issued US patents, by a wide variety of search criteria

United States Patent and Trademark Office

Published US Application Search

Published US Application Search

This link takes you to a page enabling searches of published US applications, by a wide variety of search criteria

United States Patent and Trademark Office

Information about US Trademarks

Information about US Trademarks

This link takes you to a page enabling dealing with Trademarks

United States Patent and Trademark Office

Information about US Copyright

Information about US Copyright

This link takes you to the US Copyright Office.

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